As with the
previous Troll blog my aims have not dramatically changed. I have always been very clear that the
reasons I enjoy warmahordes is that it is a competitive game that has probably
the clearest and best supported rules set I have ever found. After 14 years of tournament gaming I make no
apology for being a 'power gamer' and enjoy designing and playing lists that
are extensively tested and designed to operated at the limits of the games
There is often a
received wisdom in Cygnar discussions that a 'power 4' exists within our caster
roster. EHaley, Seige, ECaine and
EStryker are commonly considered to be our 'top tier' casters. One of the things I have come to realise,
especially when following the exploits of players such as Jamie P, Kieth
Christianson, Jake Van Meter and Jason Flanzer is that these guys are building
lists based on what works for them. 'Teh
interweb' did not rate The Old Witch, PDoomy's runeshaper tier,
PCaine/longunners or EVayl yet these guys made them work, made them their own
because their lists did what they wanted them to do. For this new adventure, rule number one must
be to build lists that work for me, do what I want them to do, not what the internet
tells me they should do.
A little
It is now November.
Over the past 2 months I have indulged in a whittling system, playing Cygnar
casters I have never used before, experimenting with lists and trying to find 3
casters I am happy to persevere with.
This has involved some incredibly bad lists and some quite embarrassing
The Siege
Every 6 months or
so I end up reading through the Cygnar casters and pause, staring longingly at
Siege's entry (all double entendres fully intended). On paper he seems great, great stats, great
gun, great spell list, great feat.
Problem is, I just can't make him work.
He always ends up being too static, stuck in a limited region of the
battlefield, clogged up behind Precursor Knights (who I really don't rate...)
not doing enough damage. It was a
Canadian gentleman who really opened my eyes to Siege, pointing out that one
way to look at his feat was that it was between 10 - 15 average damage on each
of your opponents heavies and death to heavy infantry. I am not sniffing at
this but it does pose some problems; most veteran players simply remove Siege's
assassination run by staying more than 19" away from him, not that hard to
achieve. This then means that you are
then left with a puzzle. You know you
will get one good round of shooting off and may remove one heavy with the feat
but more often than not I end up spreading around the damage, taking hefty
chunks out of, but not removing, opposing battlegroups.
I realise some of
this is very much down to my inability to learn decent targeting priorities.
However, if we run the numbers against a standard armour 20 heavy it would take
a boosted Siege rocket with Breach (14.5 dmg) a second rocket with boosted damage
(4.5 dmg) a boosted damage Defender shot (5 dmg) and a boosted damage Hunter
shot (6 dmg) to get to the magic 29/30 boxes required to lift it off. I know I am making some assumptions here but
the current meta has shifted towards decent arm and it is rare to find a
faction that cannot field armour 19/20 heavies.
The problem becomes worse as we start to see Colossals enter the fray in
greater numbers, this feat has poor scalability and does not possess the raw
power of a Menoth 'Reckoner' gunline that really can come close to one rounding
a Colossal at range.
I think most
importantly this comes down to that strange variable that is often termed 'play
style'. I struggle with Siege because I
cannot find a way to build and operate a list that I feel 'comfortable'
behind. It is this more than anything
that has made me discard him from my caster choices.
Finding Nemo and
the difficult third list..
Jumping ahead
slightly I was starting to lean toward a fairly predicable ECaine/EHaley
pairing as my primary lists (more on this later) and so had hit the 'third
list' problem. All the stuff I wanted
duplicates of was being gobbled up by my primary lists and I was really
struggling to find something effective that would I could confidently wield at
a Masters Level event.
PHaley was
starting to make a run for this third slot but my god is she boring to
play. Three/four turns of casting
temporal barrier and shooting, spiced up with a feat turn comprising of even
more shooting and struggling to roll the buckets of dice in time. I needed something more fun and it was Jamie
P who stuck his oar in (read: I begged him for help) and suggested I looked at
the Nemo's
Threemo looked
exciting so I started here, Cygnar's latest caster flatters to deceive in my
opinion. At the outset his feat looks
incredibly destructive, 'additional' is always the word I am looking for in any
damage dealing ability. The key problem
is that (having had a very long trawl through the Cygnar book) all the
electrical damage available is ranged and therefore lower pow than I
wanted. Only the Thunderhead and
Stormclad offered a decent, boostable, electrical gun (anyone who mentions the
Firefly here can officially fuck off) and of these only the Thunderhead had
something a bit special. There is no
doubt he is the stand out tool for Threemo but one jack does not a list
make. The cavalry were a possibility but
really Laddermore is essential if you want them to be able to hit
anything. Now I needed Junior to make
sure the Cav lived past turn 2 without getting shot off the table and suddenly
I had spent over 30 points of the list on one heavy, 5 Cav, a very squishy
dragoon and a solo. The Storm Strider
seemed an excellent choice with two good pow electrical guns (rarely boostable
though unless your opponent is very foolish) and suddenly there is 13 points
left for some infantry to flavour. It
isn't a terrible list but I began to see the holes.
Threemo really
badly wants Reinholt, unfortunately he was off doing his proper job of
reloading Caine's gun and had no time to moonlight with some Duracel powered
OAP. He has that age old Cygnar problem
of terrible infantry options and more telling than all of these had a 'tricky'
spell list. You see, there was no points
for the lancer that would turn Force Hammer into a useful tool. At cost 4 though it more often than not can
be a trap spell. He could upkeep Failsafe
for free but after allocating to the Thunderhead was left with 5 focus and no
more jacks to feed (making poor use of Finch) and could only get off one Chain
Lightning. I could drop the Cavalry for
more jacks/infantry but now the feat was dropping in power, I could indulge in
some Stormblades/Stormguard but then I had to bend over backwards to find ways
to mitigate their squishiness and low speed.
Everywhere I
turned the list lacked 'something'. He
couldn't speed anything up, he couldn't make best use of his feat, he couldn't
protect his infantry, I tried the new band aid for every failing list - apply
Stormwall and for a time was happy, Failsafe is beautiful on that beast and
being able to boost the melee p+s to 22 was lots of fun but the central
problems remained, solve one and the other two got worse, with a heavy heart I
moved on.
ENemo - nothing
here to see, move along
PNemo so nearly
made the cut, he may still when I get bored of my current choices. Much maligned on Cygnar forums, people are
really missing out on how much fun it is to have 10/11 focus to throw around.
At this point I
was still indulging in my new favourite pastime of how to abuse the
Stormwall. Supercharge has always been a
wonderful ability and the chance to put 5 focus into to Stormwall was pretty
irresistible. Nemo is a sexy counter to
most warmachine armies and thanks to the ability to spam out 2 - 3 Chain Lightnings
per turn he can deal with infantry horde quite effectively. The list I ran was:
Full Swordknights
2 x storm callers
Whilst it is a
seriously low model count it doesn't have many problems dealing with infantry,
between DJHead's pulses, covering fire, triangulating storm calls and a bit of
Chain Lightning goodnes, being outnumbered wasn't a major problem. It also hits like a tonne of bricks, PNemo
can buff the strength of both heavy hitters making the THead less pillowfisted
and turning the Stormwall into a killing machine. He can speed up the Thunderhead, (negating
its main weakness) and it has a serious assassination threat, with a
locomotioned move and then advance and put 3 pow 14's into a caster at good
range with most boosted. Thorn can pull
ridiculous movement shenanigans if you combine an arced locomotion with his
reaction drive and yo-yoing in and out arcing voltaic snare really messes with
enemy jacks.
I really like
this list; it is only really Nemo's squishiness and lacklustre feat that bugs
me. I also found that I really suffered
against hordes when it wasn't possible to abuse voltaic snare or use the feat
to disrupt. This is probably back up
caster number one, simply because he is so much fun to play.
So, PHaley is
just too dull, Threemo flattered to deceive, Siege just don't love me and PNemo
lacks a certain edge, especially against hordes. In the next episode the mystery third caster
is revealed. Predictably, EHaley and
ECaine have stayed firmly in spot 1 and 2 respectively for me, especially in
the new Gargossal meta.
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