In what seemed to be a serendipitous chain of
events I find myself putting pen to paper for the first time in years. During my first 18 months of warmahordes
gaming I have drawn great inspiration and many a tactical tip from tournament
reports and blogs, posted on the wide range of gaming websites I frequent
whilst avoiding teaching the youth of today.
It has also been an extremely long time since I have exercised my much
unpracticed passion for writing. So, with a mighty fanfare of self indulgent
trumpets I have decided to launch an assassination run on two birds using only
one stone (whilst cutting myself for emo fury).
I will be documenting my progress throughout 2012, attending as many
tournaments as allowed by my much suffering better half and exorcising my
writing demons all within one little blog.
No journey can truly be considered a failure
without some overly ambitious goals that I dramatically struggle to meet in
what I imagine will be a disappointing and slightly lacklustre finalẻ. To this end I am setting myself the following
targets for the next 12 months:
To win a Warmachine/Hordes tournament (any)
To finish in the top 20 at the UK Masters
To play Trollbloods for the entire year.
To completely paint the 3 lists I settle on.
Before I go any further it is important for
me to make clear my expectation is that none of the above will happen. These goals are deliberately ambitious and an
attempt more to focus my mind than based on any real expectation. I think the more realistic expectation is
that I will learn my faction much more thoroughly than I know it now, paint a
few models and have lots of fun losing hard.
Choice of Faction
Having had some minor success with my Cygnar
over the past twelve months it was a tough decision to drop them for my
Trolls. I had invested time in learning
to maximise the strengths of EHaley (not the most challenging task I hear you
cry...) and had practiced not getting ECaine killed turn 2. This had started to
pay dividends, I found eventually I was losing less and winning more but,
critically, I was bored.
It was about this time that I started
discussing the character restrictions being implemented in SR2012 with Jamie
Perkins and Max Horseman. Jamie, being
miles ahead of the curve as usual, was already designing lists for Templecon,
had quietly invested in a huge Circle Orboros collection and was preaching the
virtues of Hordes over Warmachine in a 3 list, character restricted meta. The release of Domination had only
strengthened his argument as Circle, Skorne, Minions and Legion (note the key
omission) had all gained faction changing new pieces.
Without wanting to spend a huge amount of
time debating the merits of Domination vs Wrath I figure that this is my blog
and so I can indulge myself in a short rant.
For me, Wrath was uninspiring, it didn’t make me want to play my faction
more than before its release. I wasn’t
crying out for overpowered stuff, a new uber unit or caster, I just wanted
something different, something that offered genuine alternatives for lists that
needed to run in a competitive tournament environment. This was Domination’s greatest success in my
mind, new models that were not necessarily overpowered but opened up new
avenues for their factions; the Archidon and Tibereon for Skorne, Gallows Grove
for Circle, the Nightlurker for Legion.
I must profess to some disappointment in the Troll releases; whilst I
love the Storm Troll and Rok I consider
them niche releases in a faction that was crying out for something different
(please lord, a RAT buff…). I don’t
believe the Troll selection had the variety or new flavour that other factions
received but I still believe the book to be far superior to Wrath when viewed
as a whole.
It was a combination of these factors that
led me to unpack the trolls that had last been seen 12 months ago. SR2012 has dramatically increased the power
of Hordes factions as they are on the whole less reliant on character models
than Warmachine. My Cygnar lists felt
crippled by the lack of Arlan, and The B13 and I am not above admitting that I
was struggling without these crutch models.
Trolls in contrast felt fresh, I hadn’t used them in a while, they had a
number of different builds available to them and they felt like could be
competitive with some practice.
‘Lock and List Selection
Calandra has always been my favourite troll
‘lock, she is incredibly forgiving with ‘Star crossed’ making up for many of my
noobish mistakes. I make no apologies
for stealing the core of this list from ‘Sevwalls’ article ‘The Burrownomicon
and would like to thank him for his work (read ‘evil genius’)
I always find I struggle horribly against
Legion; it seems they are the ‘bandwagon’ faction of choice currently and
Saeryn seems to be every Legion player’s 'go to' ‘lock. A bad thing for melee-centric troll
lists. In a 3 list, masters environment
I want one list to be specifically anti-hordes, with a side order of
anti-legion. Putting Saeyrn to one side,
Legion are always mobile, have a lot of high def beasts and have an effective
ranged and melee game. In my experience
they are vulnerable to a massive ‘alpha strike’ and it was this I had in mind
with Calandra. It seemed to me that If
this list could deal with the cookie cutter Saeryn/Vayl/ELylyth lists out there
then it would probably function quite well against Hordes in general.
3 List Masters Environment
Dire Troll Bomber
Dire Troll Bomber
Troll Impaler
5 Gatorman Posse
10 Pyg Burrowers
10 Fennblades plus Officer and Drummer
Victor Pendrake
(Reinforcements: 5 Gatorman Posse and a
I will freely admit this is pretty one
dimensional, if you look below you will see a much more well rounded force for
use in 2 List tournaments. The idea is
simple. You will virtually always pop
Calandra’s feat turn 2 and use the burrowers and bombers to remove your
opponents key heavies. Between Pendrake,
the Fellcaller and the feat your Burrowers shouldn’t miss. If you are facing an ‘immune to melee’ Saeryn
Feat Turn then you have two choices, use befuddle to turn the Angelius around
and walk them backwards towards your burrowers who aim and shoot them up the
arse (effective RAT 8 re-rolling 1’s and 2’s). Or bring your burrowers up in
safety, save your feat, drop bombs where you can and use star crossed, the
fenns and the gators to ‘Jam’ the board until the feat has expired.
2 List Steamroller Environment.
Mulg the Ancient
Dire Troll Bomber
Troll Impaler
3 Gatorman Posse
10 Fennblades plus Officer and Drummer 10 Burrowers
(Reinforcements: 5 Gatorman Posse and a
I can't afford to be quite so limited in
scope in standard steamroller; with only two lists to play with Janissa and
Mulg become available (as my EDoomy list
is reluctantly retired) and make a much more multi-purpose Calandra list. The
principles are largely the same but this list has a little bit of everything
and a much more well rounded late game with Mulg mopping up after the Burrowers
have done their evil work. Janissa gives
Calandra some much needed protection and between a wall, Bulletdodger and
Girded she becomes incredibly hard to touch from range. This is probably my
favourite list but sacrifices have to be made to make it work when 3 Lists are
Double bomber and potentially double gatormen? I hope you feel guilty!